


  • Summed & Dot were brought together to share a deep passion for music. Although so different from eachother, they immediately shared the love for music, which led them to engage in major projects. .. .. Filippo Bologna (Summed) was born in Palermo in 19..
    Summed & Dot were brought together to share a deep passion for music. Although so different from eachother, they immediately shared the love for music, which led them to engage in major projects. .. .. Filippo Bologna (Summed) was born in Palermo in 1985. In 2004, after years of dedication to hip hop, he took part in an Italian project "San Remo" alongside the rapper Piotta. .. .. John Catalno (Dot) an Italian-American, was born in Monterey (California) from an American father and a Sicilian mother. The turning point in his life was his trip to London in 2006 which inevitably brought him closer to techno music. When he returns to Palermo he decides to start producing music. .. .. In 2007 the two of them meet and begin a continuous study of various types of music.Their project focuses primarily on the desire to create something innovative and this led them to want to match hip-hop with techno. Now, the pair is producing an ever evolving sound, the one that best represents them by taking the essence of old school techno, and preserving the grooves of traditional house.


    Peso Chileno EP - Suara 2009 Jazzyman EP - All Inn Records 2010 My Grey Pearl EP - All Inn Records 2010 New Era EP - All Inn Records 2011 Sailor Mood / Summed & Dot - Brick Brick Brick / East Brick Wall - All Inn Records 2011