Tudor Neve



  • Producer & DJ hailing from Bucharest, Romania.
    Bucharest native Tudor Neve started flirting with music making during the dance music boom of the late 90s when both him and a highschool mate joined forces and set up a band. Their main focus was jungle and drum and bass at that time. Besides one of their tracks being featured on one of Atomic TV's idents (Romania's premier music TV network at the time) they've also performed on national TV. Their music could also be heard in one of the first venues that promoted electronic music in Romania during the 90s - Dorian Gray. After getting his bachelor degree in international business and dropping out of advertising school, he focused on his new job as an advertising creative for the next couple of years. He returned to making music in 2006, followed shortly by learning the handles of CDJing and beatmatching as an occasional DJ. Since then he's DJd or performed live in select romanian venues and released a couple of dance music EPs on a few local digital labels. Before long he's returned to his first true love - ambient, world, and new genres that synthesize all of his favorite sonic nuances - vapor and wave. He's released an ambient EP on his own label Evoke Music Outlet (www.evoke.ro).


    Tudor Neve - True That (POLEN) Tudor Neve - 999 (Diferit) Tudor Neve - Rondo-ul de vara (Retoric Vibe)