Without Letters



  • Without Letters is an experimental Lithuanian band, exploring the landscape of off-kilter electronic, dance and guitar music.
    Over the years of brave experimentation the band has delved into a variety musical genres from noise-rock, krautrock to footwork, trance and hard techno. By filtering out what is the most sincere and engaging in their creative process, they have since rediscovered archives of early clubbing music, its social values and sound aesthetics. That provided fissures for getting around the notion of guitar as once rebellious, now obsolete instrument, its raw immediacy more potent now than ever. WITHOUT LETTERS’ most recent material is inspired by the increasingly nebulous, anxious feeling of the present. Trance inducing rhythmical structures and the sharp guitar outbursts invoke krautrock inspired blissful harmonies without offering an escape to a time and place that has passed or never even existed. Dark, frantic pace underlies WITHOUT LETTERS live set, with clear intent to cut through the hierarchy of stage and audience, to melt all that into a playful, potentially ecstatic co-participation.


    2019 Abundance Supreme LP 2016 Unfollow EP 2015 Self-titled EP