Envelope x Fre4knc & Posij

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    • No. 200, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei City, B1, Taipei / 台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1
  • 日付
    Fri, Jun 8, 201823:59 - 05:00
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    Korner: Trent Fre4knc Posij Legacy Outer: Sylvain Noel (Vladivostok) & Friends
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  • Posij Division / Vision / Neodigital / Blackout 出生成長於荷蘭-格羅寧根的 Frank Post ,發跡於 Deadmau5 的 mau5trap 廠牌當中替 Noisia 炮製 remix,接著他就被同鄉 Noisia 吸收,並獲得在他們廠牌之一 Division Recordings 旗下發行一張專輯的合約。他的化名 Posij 靈感來自多次造訪希臘遺跡,還有他不敢在海中或河中游泳 (註: Posij 發音類似 Pose-eye ,是波賽頓 Poseidon 去尾的縮寫,ij 也有眼睛的意思),以及他對平面設計的喜愛。Posij 把早期實驗電子元素融入現代聲響和技術,他獨特前衛的 bass music 不僅吸引了一票忠實樂迷,也證實他是一位令人值得期待的新血製作人。 自認是阿宅,Posij 在青少年初期就受到音樂啟發。他從父親的唱片收藏裡開始接觸到像是 The Kinks 和 The Beatles 樂團,同時他對運用電腦創作自己的音樂產生濃厚的興趣。受到像是 Mr. Oizo、Fatboy Slim 和 Noisia 的啟發以及好友的鼓勵下, Posij 開始學習使用 Propellorhead Reason 創作音樂,2009 年轉換成 Cubase 後一直持續到現在。 不斷挑戰自己去嘗試新想法而不落俗套,Posij 的態度就是不要老梗。捨棄千篇一律的節奏和低音,專注原創獨特音樂,這樣的態度是 Posij 早期能獲得成功的主因,也因此吸引到他家鄉的英雄人物 - Noisia 的關注。 "Noisia 成員之一的 Martijn 曾看過我在家鄉 Groningen 的現場演出,當我表演完後,他問我有沒有 CD 可以給他。 我當時真的很激動,差不多同一時間我也認識了在 Noisia 經紀公司上班的朋友,當時我就決定把握住這個機會發行我的音樂。" "之後過了一晚,一個宿醉的十月早晨我接到 Martijn 的電話。他問我之前是否有發行過任何作品,他覺得很驚訝我竟然還未有過任何發行。接著他詢問我是否有意願替他們的廠牌創作一張專輯。我當然說好!之後我持續興奮了兩天,接著經歷數個月的創作瓶頸,因為我給自己太大壓力了。" 慶幸的是 Posij 很快就突破創作瓶頸,成功地製作出令人驚豔的作品來滿足耳朵挑剔的樂迷。Noisia 是 Posij 心中的英雄兼廠牌老版和良師益友,Posij 明顯地受到 Noisia 的啟發,但追根究柢還是他們對音樂有著相同的態度和堅持。 聽 Posij 的作品會發現他在音樂上所尋求的突破和挑戰到了有點瘋狂的地步。他擅長使用出其不意的方式來呈現你不曾聽過的聲音。除了維持足夠的律動來增加聆聽性,更伺機注入恰到好處的混沌元素來挑動你的耳膜。Posij 是實驗性低音的先鋒製作人,他的首張專輯已經在他的音樂旅程上成功打響令人興奮的第一炮。 https://soundcloud.com/posij https://www.facebook.com/posij/ Born and raised in Groningen, Netherlands, Frank Post’s initial forays into releasing music have seen him remix Noisia for Deadmau5’s mau5trap imprint and get snapped up by his fellow Dutchmen for an album deal on their Division Recordings record label. Arriving at the production alias Posij via several visits to Greek ruins, a personal loathing for swimming in seas and rivers, and an understanding of graphic design, Frank's aural outlook drags the experimental days of electronic music up to date with modern sounds and production techniques. His vision is emphatically shared by those who encounter Posij's fresh and unique take on bass music, confirming that there is more than meets the ear to this exciting new producer. A self-confessed studio addict, Posij began to find musical inspiration in his early teens. Sifting through his father’s record collection he started listening to bands like The Kinks and The Beatles, and at the same time became intrigued by the possibilities of writing his own music using a computer. Inspired by the likes of Mr Oizo, Fatboy Slim and Noisia, and encouraged by a close friend Posij started to learn the ropes using Propellorheads’ Reason and hasn’t looked back since graduating to Cubase in 2009. Forever challenging himself to try new ideas and not to fall into the standard ways of thinking Posij’s outlook is to move away from clichés, casting aside the drum loops and bass noises so often overused by the bandwagon-hoppers-de-jour and instead concentrating on writing original and different music. It’s this outlook that is the key to Posij’s early success, having played an integral part in attracting the attention of his hometown heroes, Noisia. "Martijn from Noisia was at one of my first live performances in our hometown of Groningen and he watched me play. When I finished he asked if I had a CD for him to take away. I was so psyched about that! Around the same time I’d also gotten to know someone who worked for Noisia's management company and I'd decided I was ready to start getting my music out there." "Then one sleepy, hungover October morning I received a call from Martijn. He asked me if I’d ever released anything and he was amazed when I told him I hadn’t. Then he asked if I would like to spend some time writing an album for their label. Of course I said “YES,” then I shook with excitement for two days and spent four months with writer’s block because I put so much pressure on myself!" Fortunately for the rest of us Posij’s writer’s block soon dissipated, leaving behind a residue of unadulterated genius that’s plain for anyone with a keen ear to hear. Drawing comparisons to Posij’s once heroes and now label heads and mentors, Noisia, seems obvious, but rather than comparing their music, it’s their attitudes towards their art where you can find common ground. One listen to Posij’s tracks will tell you that he is a producer that tends towards exploration, challenge and even obsession. Here you will find sounds that you’ve never heard before put together in ways you don’t expect. Retaining enough groove to console those of you who fear today’s epileptic generation, but adding just the right amount of chaos to inspire you to pay attention. Posij is spearheading a new generation of experimental bass music producers and his debut album looks to be an exciting landmark on his musical journey. ✈ Fre4knc Invisible / Critical / Dispatch / Flexout 骨子裏熱愛DJ並有豐富演出經驗的荷蘭籍DJ / 製作人 Fre4knc(發音同Frequency)已製作音樂多年,他獨特的風格在許多優秀廠牌都有發行。例如 Noisia 的 Invisible、Critical Music、Samurai Music 和 Dispatch Recordings 。他深沉、狂野、techno式的音色彷彿九零年代專為舞池打造的 techy drum & bass 進化版。 除此之外,豐富的DJ經歷也讓 Fre4knc 獲得眾多樂迷的擁戴。他的足跡遍佈歐洲,例如,Noisia Invites、Outlook Festival、Blackout、以及他自己的系列活動 Break-Fast。2016 年 Fre4knc 更是在 Invisible、Critical Music、Samurai Music 這些 dnb 大廠牌發行一系列廣受好評的新作。 Fre4knc 獨特多變的曲風已受到諸如 Noisia、Photek、Break、Friction、Black Sun Empire、Fabio、DJ Hype、Icicle、SpectraSoul、Rockwell、Enei、Skeptical、DLR、Kasra 等人的大力推崇。 https://soundcloud.com/fre4knc https://www.facebook.com/Fre4kncdnb A true DJ at heart with many years of experience, Dutch DJ/producer Fre4knc (pronounced “frequency”) has been making waves in the studio. Due to stand out releases for Noisia’s Invisible, Critical Music, Samurai Music and Dispatch Recordings he has created his own raw, deep and techy drum & bass sound for the dancefloor. Next to that he built his reputation as a DJ after playing on events like: Noisia Invites, Outlook Festival, Blackout, his own Break-Fast events and many others all across Europe. Now in 2016 he’s pushing his sound further with releases set for Invisible Recordings, Critical Music and Samurai Music. With a versatile and infectious style, his tracks have already won support across the scene from the likes of and many more. *門票均附一杯飲料 / All tickets with one drink *入場請務必攜帶身分證,未滿18歲禁止入場 / ID Check
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